Friday, December 5, 2008

How Can you Prevent Terrorism????

There is nothing really a common man can do except for restraining himself from becoming a terrorist. But the way societies exploit a common man(soft, personal and invasive terrors) ; he eventualy takes up arms against the oppressors who then inturn brand him as terrorists, its a vicious cycle.If a government machinery acts against terrorism then hundreds of other sympathizers join hands against that government and thus terrorism spread like a fire in the wild.
Every man is a born terrorist he himself only can control him or he should kill himself to control terrorism.

Either all should become saints or all should become terrorists. If there are two sets of people in a society then there is bound to be conflict.

(my topic that "All Earthizens should go to Pakistan" was a lighter version of this explanation)

So control the beast in yourself and hope that others do the same .. thats all we can do.

e.g. Forms Terrorisms

1) Mother to a child sleep else I'll call Gabbar/lock u up in dark/I'll go off etc.
2) Teacher : "Why didnt you do the homework? (even if there were 10 guests romping all around your house) Show me your Knuckles...
3)Dad: Get high merit and become doctor else I shall turn you out of the house
4) Boy friend to Girl friend : "Even though I am the most ineligible guy for you ,Marry me else I will kill myself"
5) Mother-in-law: Bring more Dowery else you will be burnt
5)Boss: Finish this task else no leave or be ready to be fired off your job.
6)Law Enforcement: Dont move as cosy couple in public else you will be jailed for immoral traffic.
7) Self imposed Social Moral Police: Dont Watch FTV .. it has wierd things that is a common sight in impoverished countries (less clothed)that goes against culture
(how did he know ?? :p)

8)God man: Slaughter 1000 Camels else God will Curse you. (Hope Maneka Madam will one day sue our Gods)

9)Fanatics: Dont love your fellow human he is an outcast.
10) One country to another: Dont make nukes else we will nuke you.
11) Terrorists: We want some justice for above things but we are not sure what we want and who will give it to us but we know one thing that we are going to do "blow you up".


Raj said...

Nice post on Terrorism.
Work from home India

Anney said...

awesome commentary on terrorism. Don't be like amitabh bachchan - who feeds on narendra modi